
Mar 15, 2016
Bill Hobson: A Reflection
On March 4th, Seattle lost a great humanitarian and ally to the homeless. Bill Hobson, former director of Downtown Emergency Service...

May 20, 2015
Bellwether's Next Executive Director Announced
Doug Daley has been appointed as Bellwether’s next executive director, replacing Sarah Rick Lewontin, who will retire after serving in...

Dec 1, 2014
2014 Fall Newsletter
In This Issue: The Faces of Bellwether: Deborah Bartlett Closer to Home Breakfast a Success Thank You to Our Funders Bellwether a...

May 2, 2014
2014 Summer Newsletter
In This Issue: The Faces of Bellwether: Steve & Sandy Bury Closer to Home Breakfast Sarah Lewontin Recognized Vaughn McLeod Retires A...