
Mar 19, 2019
Seattle City Council passes citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability!
On Monday, Seattle City Council unanimously voted to enact the Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) program in 27 urban villages...

Mar 19, 2019
Q & A with Catherine, Bellwether Housing Resident and Housing Advocate
On February 28th, Catherine, a resident at Bellwether’s Security House Apartments, joined a group of Bellwether Housing staff and board...

Mar 5, 2018
Bellwether brings record number of staff, board members to Housing Advocacy Day
Bellwether Housing flexed its advocacy muscles earlier this month when we turned out nearly 20 staff members, board members, and...

Feb 28, 2018
In a changing Seattle, neighborhood advocacy shapes a welcoming future
In neighborhoods as diverse as First Hill, Roosevelt, and Wallingford, residents are banding together to voice their concerns about...

Mar 21, 2017
Spring 2017 Newsletter
In this Issue: Celebrating our new CEO, preventing evictions, announcing Brooke Gladstone as the keynote speaker at our Closer to Home...

Apr 11, 2016
Bellwether to work on DESC’s Estelle Supportive Housing
We have been engaged by DESC to provide development services for their Estelle Supportive Housing project, to be located in the Rainier...

Feb 11, 2016
2016 Winter Newsletter
In This Issue: The Faces of Bellwether Bellwether Receives City Funding – Twice! Housing and Homelessness Day Save-the-date: GiveBIG is...

Feb 23, 2015
Thoughts on Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day
I live in a Seattle neighborhood that has seen a major upswing in homelessness. My home is across the street from a park - so it is easy...