
Nov 3, 2015
2015 Fall Newsletter
In This Issue: The Faces of Bellwether: Justin Bellwether's Impact Investment Funding Exceeds Goal Closer to Home Breakfast a Success!...

Feb 23, 2015
Thoughts on Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day
I live in a Seattle neighborhood that has seen a major upswing in homelessness. My home is across the street from a park - so it is easy...

Dec 1, 2014
2014 Fall Newsletter
In This Issue: The Faces of Bellwether: Deborah Bartlett Closer to Home Breakfast a Success Thank You to Our Funders Bellwether a...

Jul 29, 2014
Bellwether Receives $25,000 Check from HomeStreet Bank & Davis Wright Tremaine
Nonprofit benefits from 2nd Annual Charity Golf Invitational. HomeStreet Bank (HomeStreet) and Davis Wright Tremaine LLP (DWT) presented...

Jul 2, 2014
The $15 Debate
This is a big deal. Seattle City Council just approved a gradual increase of the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. Seattle is indeed the...

Oct 1, 2013
Common Ground and Bellwether are Now One Organization
Merger Announced: Bellwether Housing Brings on Board the Expertise of Common Ground. Merger Sustains 33-Year History in Which the Two...