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Grievance Process

Bellwether Resident Concern and Grievance Process

Our goal is to provide safe, affordable, and high-quality housing. We strive to make your home just that: “your home.” We recognize that living within a community can bring unexpected issues or concerns involving neighbor relations and expectations. We also understand that residents may not always agree with our policies, conclusions, or our actions. The intent of this process is to contribute to a positive living atmosphere where our residents can express concerns without any fear of retaliation and with the expectation of a prompt, carefully considered response.

We welcome and appreciate resident involvement and feedback.

Step 1: Attempt to discuss concern with respective parties (staff or neighbor involved, etc.) if appropriate.

Disagreements and misunderstandings do occasionally occur. We ask that before the concern becomes too great, you talk directly with the staff member or neighbor involved, as a lot of issues can be resolved this way. We also understand that this is not always an option, or it might not feel safe, in this case please go to the next step.

Step 2: If unable to resolve your concern after speaking with the individual(s) involved, or if you are uncomfortable doing so, please complete a Resident Concern Form.

• Please provide as much detail as possible.

• These forms are available by paper copy at your Site Manager’s office or can be sent electronically by request.

• If the Site Manager is the subject of the complaint, please skip to step 4.

• If you need assistance with completing the electronic or paper forms, or need translation services, please reach out to either your Site Manager or Resident Services Coordinator for assistance.

• If you are unable to locate the form at your building, you can request one by emailing

Once the form is complete, you can give it directly to your Site Manager or drop it off in the rent box at the office.

Step 3: Your Site Manager will investigate your concern and provide a written response with the outcome within 5 Business Days upon receipt.

Please note:

• If you submit an anonymous concern, we will not be able to respond or provide updates to you directly.

• Bellwether is prohibited from discussing resident issues with anyone other than the lease holder(s) unless we have a Release of Information on file that allows us to speak with that person on your behalf.

• We must keep resident information confidential, so although our Site Managers will investigate and address concerns presented between neighbors, we are limited in the details that can be provided in our written responses to your Concern and/or Grievance if it involves another resident.

Step 4: If you are dissatisfied with the response from your Site Manager, you can resubmit the same Resident Concern and Grievance Form.

Make sure to provide details regarding your attempt to resolve your concern with your Site Manager.

Once the form is complete, please email it to with the subject “Grievance” or send by mail to:

Bellwether Housing ATTN: Grievance

433 Minor Ave N

Seattle, WA 98109

After your Grievance is received, you will receive an Acknowledgement of Receipt.

Step 5: The Portfolio Manager responsible for your building will make every effort to promptly respond within 15 Business Days. They will carefully consider the written information you provided and review the situation with any Bellwether staff involved.

Please note: the Portfolio Manager will investigate whether the issue was addressed with the Site Manager prior to being escalated to a Grievance. If that step did not occur, you could be redirected back to Site Manager for follow up.

After thorough review, the Portfolio Manager will provide a written response to inform you of any actions to be taken in response to your Grievance. Please note: This response will be sent to you via email but if we do not have your email address on file, it will be posted to your door in a closed envelope.

Step 6: If all the steps above fail to resolve your Grievance, you may appeal the decision with the Director of Property Management.

You can email your letter of appeal to with the subject “Grievance Appeal” or send by mail to:

Bellwether Housing ATTN: Director of Property Management

433 Minor Ave N

Seattle, WA 98109

Include as much documentation and information that you can with your appeal letter. The Director’s review is the final appeal level for resident concerns or grievances at Bellwether. The Director will do their best to respond within 15 Business Days of appeal receipt. If concerns/grievances are brought to the Director or any other members of Bellwether’s Leadership Team without the resident following the Resident Concern and Grievance Process, the correspondence will be distributed to the Portfolio Manager and Site Manager for follow up.

Bellwether Housing welcomes qualified residents without regard to race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, political ideology, sex, marital status, age parental status, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, Section 8 housing subsidy, or use of a service animal. BW provides reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. If you need this document in an alternate format, please speak with a BW staff person.

Resident Concern and Grievance 03/2022

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