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Rent and Access

Lease Information


Please review the Lease and House Rules that you signed at move-in. The Lease and Rules list resident and landlord responsibilities during your tenancy.

The Lease also includes important information about housekeeping, mold and mildew prevention, and bed bug prevention.

If you are worried about being able to comply with these rules, please talk to your Site Manager or Resident Services Coordinator. They can work with you to access services that may be able to help you.

If you have questions about your Lease, please contact your Site Manager. If you lose your lease, you can ask your Site Manager for a copy.

How long will my lease be? Does Bellwether offer short term leases?

We offer 12-month leases. After the initial 12 month lease term expires most leases convert to month-to-month.

What utilities are included in rent?

All Bellwether apartments include water, sewer, and garbage. Some apartments also include other utilities. Please view the information page for the property you're interested in or contact the Site Manager.

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