Resident Services
About Resident Services
We hope your apartment will be a strong foundation for you to grow, stabilize, rebuild, and thrive. An apartment is one piece of a good life. You may need other benefits and services to be stable, healthy, and thriving. We are here to help. Our Resident Services team offers support and referrals. They also host community events at every Bellwether building. The Resident Services program is free and confidential for all Bellwether Housing residents.
Our Resident Services team can help you:
·      Sign up for rental assistance
·      Sign up for unemployment and disability benefits
·      Help you find a job, career training, and volunteer opportunities
·      Answer Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security questions
·      Get DSHS services
·      Find childcare
·      Get renter’s insurance
·      Access low-cost, healthy food or meal delivery
·      Sign up for low-cost transportation
·      Get low-cost internet
·      Get a free or low-cost cell phone
·      Find English as a Second Language Classes
·      Assist with financial planning
·      Find low-cost health care
·      Access mental health services
·      Find addiction-treatment services
·      Help you find to legal services
·      Advocate on your behalf
·      Connect you to community resources
Your Resident Services Coordinator is a friendly, supportive person that can help you navigate challenges and build community.